Search Results
Solemnity of Christ the King - Fr Oliver Keenan OP
Christ the King - Fr Oliver Keenan OP
The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ - Fr Oliver Keenan OP
Second Sunday of Easter (Divine Mercy) - Fr Oliver Keenan OP
3. Jesus falls | fr Oliver Keenan OP
Mass of the Lord's Supper - Fr Oliver Keenan OP
The Feast of the Archangels - Fr Oliver Keenan OP
Feast of St Mary Magdalen - Fr Oliver Keenan OP
Feast of St Birinus - Fr Oliver Keenan, OP
Twentieth Century Theology for Dummies - Fr Oliver Keenan, O.P.
Blackfriars Oxford Mass (22.11.20) | Solemnity of Christ the King
Blackfriars Oxford Mass (21.11.21) | Christ the King